kawaii_alice wrote in egl_comm_sales Jun 19, 2014 13:30
item:accessory, item:jumperskirt, fanplusfriend, !ds, item:onepiece, *petite, color:black, alice and the pirates, atelier pierrot, color:white, color:cream, color:pink, *plus size, color:blue, candy violet, baby the stars shine bright, color:purple
nenabats wrote in egl_comm_sales Jun 01, 2014 15:28
color:brown, offbrand, item:accessory, fanplusfriend, bodyline, angelic pretty, !ds, color:black, color:white, chocomint, color:cream, color:pink, color:green, item:hair accessory, candy violet, item:bag, baby the stars shine bright, color:purple
emokoi wrote in egl_comm_sales May 30, 2014 09:02
offbrand, item:accessory, item:cutsew, handmade, !ds, color:black, candy violet, item:skirt, item:bag, metamorphose, baby the stars shine bright, color:purple
shuucreme wrote in egl_comm_sales May 04, 2014 07:34
offbrand, item:accessory, item:jumperskirt, bodyline, !ds, color:black, color:white, color:cream, color:pink, color:grey, color:red, color:green, item:hair accessory, candy violet, item:hoodie/parka, item:skirt, item:novelty, item:shoes, item:outerwear, color:purple, indie brand
niniru wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 29, 2014 20:41
item:cutsew, item:jumperskirt, bodyline, angelic pretty, !ds, alice and the pirates, item:bolero, color:white, metamorphose, color:pink, innocent world, color:red, color:green, candy violet, item:legwear, item:shoes, item:bag, baby the stars shine bright
haenulishop wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 28, 2014 17:07
color:red, item:jumperskirt, color:yellow, item:hair accessory, item:onepiece, color:blue, *plus size, candy violet, item:skirt, color:white, !afc, haenuli, indie brand, color:pink
minisweets wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 27, 2014 18:25
color:brown, offbrand, item:cutsew, an*tai*na, bodyline, r-series, !ds, item:onepiece, item:bolero, an-ten-na, color:cream, color:grey, victorian maiden, innocent world, candy violet, item:legwear, item:skirt, item:shoes, item:outerwear, item:blouse
wuffinator wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 24, 2014 10:08
candy violet, item:skirt, angelic pretty, item:bag, !ds, color:pink, color:blue
xylia_x wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 24, 2014 10:19
color:brown, item:cutsew, item:jumperskirt, !ds, alice and the pirates, secret shop, color:white, color:cream, color:pink, innocent world, emily temple cute, color:green, juliette et justine, color:blue, candy violet, item:outerwear, baby the stars shine bright, item:blouse
hebichigo wrote in egl_comm_sales Apr 06, 2014 13:48
offbrand, item:accessory, item:jumperskirt, fanplusfriend, item:innerwear, handmade, angelic pretty, !ds, item:onepiece, color:black, color:white, color:cream, color:pink, !dt, color:red, item:salopette, item:hair accessory, color:blue, candy violet, item:skirt, baby the stars shine bright